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Vachanamrut (Gujarati)

The Vachanamrut is a principal scripture of the Swaminarayan Sampraday. It is a compilation of 273 spiritual discourses delivered by Bhagwan Swaminarayan from 1819 CE to 1829 CE.

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The Vachanamrut is an important scripture for any aspirant on the spiritual path. It is written in a simple and easily understood format while providing exceptional guidance for individuals of all backgrounds.
BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha proudly presents this series of publications on the topic of the Vachanamrut for the occasion of the Vachanamrut Bicentenary celebrations. Inspired by Pragat Brahmaswarup Mahant Swami Maharaj, these publications are the result of an in-depth study and reflection of the Vachanamrut by learned sadhus and devotees.

The topics are as follows:
1. Exposition of Bhakti as described in the Vachanamrut.
2. Characteristics of the Paramhanses demonstrated in the Vachanamrut.
3. The Vachanamrut for Youths.
4. Unique features of the Vachanamrut demonstrated through an authentic literature perspective.
5. Bhakta-Bhagwan (God-Disciple) relationship as demonstrated in the Vachanamrut.