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Murti Puja and Bal Samskaras: A Handbook for Parents (English)

Murti Puja and Bal Samskaras explains how parenting plays a deeply rooted and critical role in building a firm foundation of spirituality for children. This book is a pr?cis of shastras in a modern context that guides the parents to attain bliss, peace and happiness for and with their children. Lucidity, authenticity and practicality are pivots of this handbook for experienced parents as well as newlywed couples.

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Murti Puja and Bal Samskaras explains how parenting plays a deeply rooted and critical role in building a firm foundation of spirituality for children. This book is a pr?cis of shastras in a modern context that guides the parents to attain bliss, peace and happiness for and with their children. Lucidity, authenticity and practicality are pivots of this handbook for experienced parents as well as newlywed couples.

A must read for parents, it is an investment in preserving the best of what Hindu values offer to a global society that will one day belong to our children. This publication encourages parents to nurture an unbreakable bond of love and friendship between children and their guru so they learn to trust that he will unfailingly guide them as they journey through life. Our Hindu communities across continents need this type of educational tool. It reminds us that the Hindu tradition is rich in prescriptive tips to creating a happy, sustainable lifestyle that upholds self-awareness and personal discipline as core virtues.