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BAPS Na Avichal Paya narrates the story of the four qualities of Satyanishtha, Svatmanishtha, Swarupnishtha and Sattvanishtha.
BAPS Na Avichal Paya narrates the story of the four qualities of Satyanishtha, Svatmanishtha, Swarupnishtha and Sattvanishtha. It informs its readers the breath-taking story of how Brahmaswarup Shastriji Maharaj established the BAPS amid constant opposition and myriad of problems. Satyanishtha, Svatmanishtha, Swarupnishtha and Sattvanishtha are the four eternal pillars upon which the BAPS has continued to flourish. In all, this publication is a concise account of how these four qualities were exemplified by the founder of BAPS, Brahmaswarup Shastriji Maharaj.